Marta Ill-Raga
I hold a BA in Political Sciences from Universitat Pompeu Fabra and a Research MA in International Development Studies from Universiteit van Amsterdam. My academic journey and political engagement have always gone hand in hand, marked by a persistent interest in the politics and consequences of accumulation by dispossession in urban settings.
My research focus for the Property and Democratic Citizenship project lies on the exploitation and inequalities generated by residential rent relations in Spain. I delve into the origins and manifestations of rent in conflict-laden interactions between landlords and tenants. I employ a militant ethnographic approach through my engagement with the Union of Tenants of Barcelona. My research sheds light on how contemporary inequalities materialise along patrimonial lines, affecting housing instability and broader social reproduction strategies at household and societal levels. My research underscores the role of landed property in Spain’s transition towards a post-homeownership society.
8 mesos de la regulació de preus de lloguer a Catalunya: un balanç
8 mesos de la regulació de preus de lloguer a Catalunya: un balanç [8 months after the implementation of rent control in Catalunya: a review] JUNE 2021
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David Harvey: comprendre el capitalisme global
David Harvey: comprendre el capitalisme global [David Harvey: Understanding Global Capitalism] SEPTEMBER 2021
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El moviment en defensa del dret a l’habitatge enmig de la crisi de la Covid-19
El moviment en defensa del dret a l’habitatge enmig de la crisi de la Covid-19. [The Right to Housing movement in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis] Co-authored with Jordi G. Guzman and Irene Sabaté,20...
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L’estafa del «bo jove» per al lloguer
“L’estafa del bo jove”: El corejat «bo jove» del govern Sánchez és un pegat que, tot i ser insuficient, pot incrementar el volum de la bombolla i incentivar augments de preus. [The scam of te “youth b...
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Nuestra lucha no es sectorial
Interview held with the online magazine Debats Pel Demà 16 NOVEMBER 2020
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The Azora Tenants Struggle to Stay Put
The story of the Azora tenants started in late summer 2019 when Solvia (the real estate arm of Sabadell Bank) sold their residences to the investment fund Azora. Azora implemented new leases, featurin...
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Vulnerabilitat o explotació? Les relacions de renda, l’ofec de les llars i la lluita pel dret a l’habitatge
“Vulnerabilitat o explotació? Relacions de renda, l’escanyament de les families I la lluita pel dret a l’habitatge” [“Vulnerability or exploitation? Rent relations, the strangling of households, and t...
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La mano invisible detrás de la subida del alquiler
Participation at the presentation of the book authored by Manuel Gabarre, Tocar Fondo. La mano invisible detrás de la subida del alquiler [Hitting Rock Bottom. The invisible hand behind the rent incre...
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Organitzant transicions ecosocials
Participation at the round table “Organitzant transicions ecosocials” [Organizing ecosocial transitions], at the Biennal del Pensament, commissioned by the City of Barcelona. 12 NOVEMBER 2020 | BARCEL...
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Quines fórmules públic-comunitàries tenim per canviar el mercat de l’habitatge?
Quines fórmules de col·laboració públic-comunitàries tenim per canviar el mercat de l’habitatge? [What public-community collaboration formulas do we have to change the housing market?] APRIL 2021 | BA...
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“Per què paguem lloguer?”
Scripts righter and creator, together with the Union of Tenant’s Theory Group members of the podcast entitled “Per què paguem lloguer?” [Why do we pay rent?], about critical rent theory. Speaker at th...
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