Theodoros Karyotis
I am a sociologist, researcher, translator and activist based in Thessaloniki, Greece. Coming from a lifelong commitment to grassroots movements and commons-based self-organisation, I see political empowerment as a precondition for social change. My grappling with the question of how the dominant institutions retain political legitimacy despite generalised precarisation and intensifying exploitation has led me to put subjectivation at the centre of my inquiry.
My research in the context of the Property and Democratic Citizenship project examines the historical evolution of the Greek property regime, that is, the legislation, market mechanisms and moral discourses that regulate the use and transfer of property. I examine the role of homeownership as a source of welfare and social cohesion, but also of identity and meaning. I detail the breakdown of the homeownership model in the context of recurrent crises, and I outline the ongoing housing emergency. Through discourse analysis and ethnographic research with landlords, tenants, dispossessed homeowners, squatters and migrants, I trail ongoing conflicts around property, I document attempts at rejection, renegotiation or defence of existing property relations, and I interrogate the persistence of property-centred subjectivations. Finally, I explore the possibility of new configurations of property and citizenship around the commons.
¿Cómo #QuedarseEnCasa si no hay casa? La política de la precariedad habitacional en Grecia en tiempos de pandemia
In: Experiencias de resistencias entre utopías y distopías: luchas invisibles en tiempos de pandemia. Petropoulou, C., Panagiotis Doulos, Fernando Matamoros Ponce, Edith González Cruz, Manuel Alfonso ...
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A tale of property ownership and murder
Had the death of Zak Kostopoulos in central Athens on 21 September 2018 not been recorded on video, it would have gone unnoticed by the general public: another marginal city youth, a drug addict who a...
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Becoming propertied, becoming indebted: the making and unmaking of middle-class subjectivities in Greece in a context of generalised precarisation
Presented at the 2022 Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, “Transformation, Hope and the Commons”, Belfast, July 2022. No recording.
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Can’t #StayAtHome without a home: politics of housing precarity in Greece in the time of pandemic
By Christina Sakali and Theodoros Karyotis, 2022.
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Collaborating for change in critical times? Alter-political cooperativism in Thessaloniki, Greece
Karyotis, Theodoros and Kioupkiolis, Alexandros, 2023. In Social Movements and Everyday Acts of Resistance: Solidarity in a Changing World, Poulakidakos, S., Veneti, A., and Rovisco, M. (eds.), Routle...
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Housing precarisation and the reshuffling of worthiness, blame and vulnerability during the Covid-19 pandemic
By Theodoros Karyotis and Christina Sakali, 2024.
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Property and its discontents: Challenging housing precarisation in pandemic-era Greece
Conference: RC21 Conference, “Ordinary Cities in Exceptional Times”At: Athens, Greece, August 2022
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Repression, eviction and dispossession in New Democracy’s Greece
ROAR Magazine, January 7, 2020.
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The crisis of informal welfare in Greece
paper presented at the VIII International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference: “Rethinking Informality”, Athens, November 27, 2020 (moved online due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions),
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Άδεια σπίτια, άστεγοι άνθρωποι: η πολιτική οικονομία της στεγαστικής κρίσης
Empty houses, homeless people. The political economy of the housing crisis at the public event. “Στέγαση: Δικαίωμα ή εμπόρευμα;” [Housing: a right or a commodity?], Thessaloniki, May 2023. ...
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Αποκωδικοποιώντας το νεοφιλελεύθερο όραμα για τις ελληνικές πόλεις
Decoding the neoliberal vision for Greek cities, 2021.
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Ενημέρωση σχετικά με την συνάντηση του Ευρωπαϊκού Συνασπισμού Δράσης για το Δικαίωμα στη Στέγη και την Πόλη στην Αθήνα
Presentation at the public event “Στεγαστική κρίση, ενεργειακή φτώχεια: πόλη, αιτήματα, αγώνες” [Housing crisis, energy poverty: city, demands, struggles], organised by municipal party “Poli Anapoda”,...
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Οι πλειστηριασμοί ακινήτων ως μαζική υφαρπαγή πλούτου
Housing auctions as mass dispossession, 2023.
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Στεγαστικά παράδοξα και αδιέξοδα: το περίγραμμα της στεγαστικής κρίσης στην Ελλάδα
Presentation at the public event “Εξώσεις και νέοι αγώνες για τη στέγη” [Evictions and the new housing struggles]. Organised by Svolou Neighbourhood Assembly. Thessaloniki, June 2021. ...
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