Our Research Results
Our research team prioritizes research output in a variety of formats to ensure that our findings are accessible to both general and specialist audiences. Here is a selection of our talks, writings, videos, podcasts, and academic articles available to be viewed online.
Audiovisual and Digital Ethnography A Practical and Theoretical Guide
By Cristina Grasseni, Bart Barendregt, Erik de Maaker, Federico De Musso, Andrew Littlejohn, Marianne Maeckelbergh, Metje Postma, Mark R. Westmoreland, 2022.
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8 mesos de la regulació de preus de lloguer a Catalunya: un balanç
8 mesos de la regulació de preus de lloguer a Catalunya: un balanç [8 months after the implementation of rent control in Catalunya: a review] JUNE 2021
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¿Cómo #QuedarseEnCasa si no hay casa? La política de la precariedad habitacional en Grecia en tiempos de pandemia
In: Experiencias de resistencias entre utopías y distopías: luchas invisibles en tiempos de pandemia. Petropoulou, C., Panagiotis Doulos, Fernando Matamoros Ponce, Edith González Cruz, Manuel Alfonso ...
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‘Our home, your home?’ The precarious housing pathways of asylum seekers in Catalonia
Olatz Ribera-Almandoz, Carlos Delclós & Blanca Garcés-Mascareñas, 2022.
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#StayAtHome and the housing crisis: Paradoxes, challenges and opportunities
(in Greek) “#StayAtHome and the housing crisis: Paradoxes, challenges and opportunities”. Article published on the website of EfSyn, independent newspaper of wide-coverage. 28 March 2020
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A tale of property ownership and murder
Had the death of Zak Kostopoulos in central Athens on 21 September 2018 not been recorded on video, it would have gone unnoticed by the general public: another marginal city youth, a drug addict who a...
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Becoming propertied, becoming indebted: the making and unmaking of middle-class subjectivities in Greece in a context of generalised precarisation
Presented at the 2022 Conference of the European Association of Social Anthropologists, “Transformation, Hope and the Commons”, Belfast, July 2022. No recording.
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Beyond collective property: a typology of collaborative housing in Europe
Mirte Jepma, Emma Griffith and Federico Savini, 2022.
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Beyond renovation: Addressing Europe’s long housing crisis in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic
Carlos Delclós and Lorenzo Vidal, 2021.
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Can’t #StayAtHome without a home: politics of housing precarity in Greece in the time of pandemic
By Christina Sakali and Theodoros Karyotis, 2022.
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Collaborating for change in critical times? Alter-political cooperativism in Thessaloniki, Greece
Karyotis, Theodoros and Kioupkiolis, Alexandros, 2023. In Social Movements and Everyday Acts of Resistance: Solidarity in a Changing World, Poulakidakos, S., Veneti, A., and Rovisco, M. (eds.), Routle...
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Contested property relations: Landed property regimes and housing precarity amid the Covid-19 pandemic
Co-organizer of two special panels on the topic “Contested property relations: Landed property regimes and housing precarity amid the Covid-19 pandemic” at the RC21 Conference ‘Ordinary Cities in Exce...
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David Harvey: comprendre el capitalisme global
David Harvey: comprendre el capitalisme global [David Harvey: Understanding Global Capitalism] SEPTEMBER 2021
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Debtor’s home and the marketization of bankruptcy
Paper presented at the special panel Political Economy and Law 1. State-Capital Relations and the Law organized at the 2023 IIPPE Conference ‘The Chronicles of Multiple Crises Foretold’. International...
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El moviment en defensa del dret a l’habitatge enmig de la crisi de la Covid-19
El moviment en defensa del dret a l’habitatge enmig de la crisi de la Covid-19. [The Right to Housing movement in the midst of the Covid-19 crisis] Co-authored with Jordi G. Guzman and Irene Sabaté,20...
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From market good to social right? Shifting approaches to housing in Europe.
CIDOB Briefings, 30, 2021.
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Housing evictions in Brussels: how many, who and where?
By Pernelle Godart, Eva Swyngedouw, Mathieu Van Criekingen and Bas van Heur, 2023.
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Housing evictions. Hidden expressions of extreme housing precarity
Panel co-organizer ‘Housing evictions. Hidden expressions of extreme housing precarity.’ RC21-conference, Antwerp, Belgium, 2021.
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Housing in the digital age: Trends and implications
CIDOB Notes internacionals, 145, 2020.
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Housing precarisation and the reshuffling of worthiness, blame and vulnerability during the Covid-19 pandemic
By Theodoros Karyotis and Christina Sakali, 2024.
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Housing precarity through the lens of governmental precarization: (Re)distribution of protection and vulnerability during the Covid-19 pandemic
Paper presented at the special panel Contested property relations: Landed property regimes and housing precarity amid the Covid-19 pandemic organized at the RC21 Conference ‘Ordinary Cities in Excepti...
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How public policies worsen vulnerable situations
By Chloé Deligne (ULB), Pernelle Godart (ULB), Jacques Moriau (ULB), Pauline Bacquaert (ULB), Jean-Michel Decroly (ULB), Pierre Lannoy (ULB), Alexandre Leclercq (UCLouvain), Alain Malherbe (UCLouvain)...
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Invited Submission to Ethnographic Film Festival
10th Athens Ethnographic Film Festival. Film: “Saving Midtown: San Francisco Renters on Strike” 27 November 2019 – 4 December 2019.
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Keynote Lectures “Democratic values and the creation of (in)equality: Lessons from social justice movements”
FULDA International Autumn School, online, 16 November 2021. (No recording available).
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L’estafa del «bo jove» per al lloguer
“L’estafa del bo jove”: El corejat «bo jove» del govern Sánchez és un pegat que, tot i ser insuficient, pot incrementar el volum de la bombolla i incentivar augments de preus. [The scam of te “youth b...
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Law and housing financialization in the context of austerity and the debtfare state
Paper presented at the special panel The nexus of housing financialization, gentrification and touristification in the Greek and wider Southern European context organized at the Conference of Geograph...
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Maak wooncoöperaties geen zeepbel voor de hoogopgeleide stedelijke elite
Mirte Jepma and Federico Savini, 2021.
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Moving towards a Just Energy Future: displacement and redevelopment in Amsterdam
Amsterdam, like many other European cities, is facing a severe housing crisis. Affordable and good-quality homes are increasingly difficult to access, pushing more people into housing precarity (Hochs...
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Nuestra lucha no es sectorial
Interview held with the online magazine Debats Pel Demà 16 NOVEMBER 2020
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Political Economy and Law
Co-founder και co-ordinator of the Working Group ‘Political Economy and Law’ which is part of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy – IIPPE. 2021
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Precarious citizenship in Barcelona
In the heart of Barcelona, amidst its celebrated architecture and bustling streets, lies a starkly different reality: informal settlements that serve as a glaring testament to the precariousness under...
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Process-time and Event-time: The Multiple Temporalities of Prefiguration
in Monticelli, L. (ed.) The Future is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics. Bristol: Bristol University Press, 2022.
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Profits before People: Britain’s unjust housing system preys on asylum seekers Analysis
By Bogumila Hall and Ola Hall, 2021.
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Property and its discontents: Challenging housing precarisation in pandemic-era Greece
Conference: RC21 Conference, “Ordinary Cities in Exceptional Times”At: Athens, Greece, August 2022
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Property investment and the hidden cost of “growth” in a secondary city
“Thessaloniki is turning into Athens” as “Real estate developers and REITs are casting nets in housing” are some of the headlines used recently by market actors to celebrate the surge in property inve...
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Racist violence in Britain’s housing
Awaab Ishak was a two-year-old boy who in December 2020 died due to a respiratory condition caused by extensive and prolonged exposure to toxic mould in his home in Rochdale’s Freehold Estate. Awaab’s...
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Repression, eviction and dispossession in New Democracy’s Greece
ROAR Magazine, January 7, 2020.
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Social Movements after the Global Crash
Co-organiser, “Social Movements after the Global Crash: Looking Back, Looking Forward” Conference, London, UK, 27-29 June 2019.
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Lecture at the educational trip - bildungsreise ‘Solidarische Ökonomie und Politik in Zeiten der Krise’ (Solidarity economy and politics in times of crisis) organized by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung. Thess...
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The Azora Tenants Struggle to Stay Put
The story of the Azora tenants started in late summer 2019 when Solvia (the real estate arm of Sabadell Bank) sold their residences to the investment fund Azora. Azora implemented new leases, featurin...
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The Consequences of Evictions for the Housing Precariat in Brussels
KULeuven, the 17th European Research Conference on Homelessness. “Forced Nomadism. The Consequences of Evictions for the Housing Precariat in Brussels.” September 2023.
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The crisis of informal welfare in Greece
paper presented at the VIII International Contemporary Urban Issues Conference: “Rethinking Informality”, Athens, November 27, 2020 (moved online due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions),
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The demolition of social housing in the Netherlands
In numerous Western cities today, a severe housing crisis plagues us. The housing precariat – renters who can no longer afford their rent – is on the rise (Köppe 2017). As a result, there is an alarmi...
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The double burden of precariousness: linking housing, employment, and perceived stress – a cross-sectional study
Josep M. Caroz-Armayones, Joan Benach, Carlos Delclós & Mireia Julià, 2022.
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The Governance of Crisis in Greece (2010-2019)
Presentation at the scientific event/workshop ‘The Governance of Crisis in Greece (2010-2019)’. Research Project GRESPA, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & Hellenic Foundation for Research and...
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US Case Study: 'It was stolen from us'
“When Midtown was originally built it was supposed to have been rent to own… The developer ran out of money and the city assumed the loan on the property, but the city didn’t pay off the mortgage. The...
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Vivienda para vivir: De mercancía a derecho
Delclos C (coord..), Segú M, Lebrusán I, Auciello-Estevez, Salas-Rojo P. (2023). Future Policy Lab.
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Vulnerabilitat o explotació? Les relacions de renda, l’ofec de les llars i la lluita pel dret a l’habitatge
“Vulnerabilitat o explotació? Relacions de renda, l’escanyament de les families I la lluita pel dret a l’habitatge” [“Vulnerability or exploitation? Rent relations, the strangling of households, and t...
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xperiencing displacement from below: housing evictions in the city of Brussels.
Georg Simmel Center for Metropolitan Research Humboldt University Berlin, RN37 Midterm Conference. “Experiencing displacement from below: housing evictions in the city of Brussels.” October 2022.
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Άδεια σπίτια, άστεγοι άνθρωποι: η πολιτική οικονομία της στεγαστικής κρίσης
Empty houses, homeless people. The political economy of the housing crisis at the public event. “Στέγαση: Δικαίωμα ή εμπόρευμα;” [Housing: a right or a commodity?], Thessaloniki, May 2023....
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Αποκωδικοποιώντας το νεοφιλελεύθερο όραμα για τις ελληνικές πόλεις
Decoding the neoliberal vision for Greek cities, 2021.
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Ενημέρωση σχετικά με την συνάντηση του Ευρωπαϊκού Συνασπισμού Δράσης για το Δικαίωμα στη Στέγη και την Πόλη στην Αθήνα
Presentation at the public event “Στεγαστική κρίση, ενεργειακή φτώχεια: πόλη, αιτήματα, αγώνες” [Housing crisis, energy poverty: city, demands, struggles], organised by municipal party “Poli Anapoda”,...
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Νίκος Βράντσης, Χριστίνα Σακαλή, Φίλιππος Κατσίνας
Interviewed by the journalist I. Bantios (in Greek) about the housing crisis in Southern Europe. Interview published in Avgi, November 2023.
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Οι πλειστηριασμοί ακινήτων ως μαζική υφαρπαγή πλούτου
Housing auctions as mass dispossession, 2023.
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Στεγαστικά παράδοξα και αδιέξοδα: το περίγραμμα της στεγαστικής κρίσης στην Ελλάδα
Presentation at the public event “Εξώσεις και νέοι αγώνες για τη στέγη” [Evictions and the new housing struggles]. Organised by Svolou Neighbourhood Assembly. Thessaloniki, June 2021....
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Το μεταβαλλόμενο τοπίο της στεγαστικής κρίσης στην Ελλάδα: Η κατοικία στο στόχαστρο
The changing landscape of the housing crisis in Greece: Housing targeted 22 March 2020
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San Francisco Veritas Tenants Deliver Demands to Landlord
On July 19, 2020 the Veritas Tenants Association hand delivered a letter to the home of Yat-Pang Au, the CEO and founder of San Francisco’s biggest landlord, Veritas Investments. Veritas Investm...
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The Fight for Mom's House
This is a short documentary film about a group of homeless mothers who reclaimed a vacant house in Oakland California to provide safe housing for their children and to draw attention to the wider hous...
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Saving Midtown: San Francisco Renters on Strike
This is the story of the Midtown rent strike, the largest rent strike in San Francisco since 1978.
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Cap nom és innocent
Stolle K, Miles V, Delclos C. “No Name is Innocent”. Ciutat Oberta: Biennal de Pensament de Barcelona. 17 Oct 2020.
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La mano invisible detrás de la subida del alquiler
Participation at the presentation of the book authored by Manuel Gabarre, Tocar Fondo. La mano invisible detrás de la subida del alquiler [Hitting Rock Bottom. The invisible hand behind the rent incre...
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Les expulsions de logement à Bruxelles. État des lieux, logiques et enjeux.
Brussels Parlement. Commissie Huisvesting. Les expulsions de logement à Bruxelles. État des lieux, logiques et enjeux. Brussels Parlement, January 19, 2023.
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Les expulsions de logement: mieux les comprendre pour mieux les prévenir
Research Symposium co-organizer ‘The prevalence and consequences of evictions for the housing precariat in Brussels.’ Brussels, Belgium.
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Marianne Maeckelbergh at WWNA 2020: Keynote speech in memory of David Graeber
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Open discussion on housing struggles in Thessaloniki
Interviewed by local television DION TV (in Greek) about the public event “Open discussion on housing struggles in Thessaloniki” co-organized November 13, 2023, in Thessaloniki
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Organitzant transicions ecosocials
Participation at the round table “Organitzant transicions ecosocials” [Organizing ecosocial transitions], at the Biennal del Pensament, commissioned by the City of Barcelona. 12 NOVEMBER 2020 | BARCEL...
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PD#12: ¿El derecho a la vivienda en Barcelona? Políticas y precariedad
An in-depth debate on the struggle for the right to housing in the city of Barcelona took place in the twelfth edition of Policy Dialogues, entitled: “The right to housing in Barcelona? Policies and p...
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Presentation of the report 'Housing to live: from commodity to right'
Delclos C (coord.), Segú M, Lebrusán I, Auciello-Estevez, Salas-Rojo P. 2023, May 4. Presentación del informe ‘Vivienda para vivir: de mercancía a derecho’. Future Policy Lab. Círculo de Bellas Artes,...
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Quines fórmules públic-comunitàries tenim per canviar el mercat de l’habitatge?
Quines fórmules de col·laboració públic-comunitàries tenim per canviar el mercat de l’habitatge? [What public-community collaboration formulas do we have to change the housing market?] APRIL 2021 | BA...
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San Francisco's Midtown Tenants Fight For Rent Control
After six years of fighting, Midtown Park Apartments is finally on the verge of winning back rent control. On September 17th the Budget and Appropriations Committee of the Board of Supervisors will vo...
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The right to housing amidst the Covid-19 pandemic
Co-organizer and speaker at the online discussion (in Greek) “The right to housing amidst the Covid-19 pandemic” organized by housing activist groups in Athens, namely AARG and the Initiative for Hous...
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Housing Justice: Melissa Koutouzis and Cody Hochstenbach
In this episode we discuss the housing justice movement in Amsterdam and degrowth values together with Melissa Koutouzis, (co-organiser of Het Woonprotest and communications officer at the Transnation...
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“Per què paguem lloguer?”
Scripts righter and creator, together with the Union of Tenant’s Theory Group members of the podcast entitled “Per què paguem lloguer?” [Why do we pay rent?], about critical rent theory. Speaker at th...
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